
The determination of the nutrient content of foods is a major basic requirement for nutritionists as a field of study. However, Africa is limited in terms of laboratory analysis capacity and capability. Many interventions at the policy level have been curved out by many African leaders, yet little is there to show with regard to impact analysis. Probable, an increase investment in research in this area could be a panacea. If care is not taken, a canker Malnutrition could result among African dissents particularly babies and children. Malnutrition is more than just hunger or a lack of food. It is often life-threatening medical condition caused by a diet with insufficient proteins, fats, vitamins, calories, and minerals. ADRRI  works with researchers in this area for more inform choices to reduce malnutrition. ADRRI thus:

  1. Provide research grants to young nutrition students in the universities in Africa to increase their availability.
  2. Hold conferences and workshops to educate the public on trends in nutrition.
  3. Research into new methods of diet that can increase the health status of the people of Africa.