This survey is conducted by the Africa Development and Resources Research Institute (ADRRI). ADRRI is an NGO and Policy Think Tank based in Koforidua and been engaging in barometer metrics. This research is purely for policy discussions and contributions to electoral discourse. The objective of the study is to explore Influential Factors on Voter Behavior in the 2024 Ghanaian Elections: A Survey of Electorate Perceptions. It aims to identify key factors such as cultural, chieftaincy, ethnic, economic, social, and personality-related aspects that significantly influence voter decision-making processes. Through understanding voter preferences, attitudes, and perceptions towards political parties, candidates, and electoral issues, the study seeks to assess the impact of cultural, traditional, and social dynamics, as well as economic considerations on electoral outcomes. Furthermore, it aims to evaluate the perception of electorate towards the personalities and leadership qualities of political party flagbearers.
Yours response to these questions shall be treated with anonymity and confidentiality. Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge and abilities. Your contribution is highly appreciated.
You are required to tick (√) against the statement you think is the most important to you.
Africa Development and Resources Research Institute (ADRRI) is exploring influential factors on voter behaviour towards election 24. We shall be grateful if you could spare sometime to answer the questionnaire below.
Your answers will be treated with anonymity and confidentiality.
We anticipate your cooperation towards this public policy exercise.
Thank you in advance.