DTBI Ratings

This is a development transparency index which measures development performance through individual, community, citizen reporting, civil society activeness and monitoring and evaluation. The barometer provides ratings for Government in general, Ministries, Departments, Agencies, MMDAs, Academia, civil society activeness for development and also corruption reported cases.
The ratings are:
General government performance towards development: GA, GB, GC, GD, GE, GF, NR
Ministries performance towards development: MiA, MiB, MiC, MiD, MiE, MiF, NR
Departments’ performance towards development: DeA, DeB, DeC, DeD, DeE, DeF, NR
Agencies performance towards development: AgA, AgB, AgC, AgD, AgE, AgF, NR
Metropolitan assemblies’ performance towards development: MeA, MeB, MeC, MeD, MeE, MeF, NR
Municipal assemblies’ performance towards development: MuA, MuB, MuC, MuD, MuE, MuF, NR
District assemblies’ performance towards development: DiA, DiB, DiC, DiD, DiE, DiF, NR
Academia participation performance towards development: AcA, AcB, AcC, AcD, AcE, AcF, NR
Civil society activeness and performance towards development: CiA, CiB, CiC, CiD, CiE, CiF, NR
Corruption frequency reporting in development issues: CoA, CoB, CoC, CoD, CoE, CoF, NR
A- Excellent and resilient without reversal of developmental gains and strong institutions.
B- Very good and resilient without structural deterioration with institutional building.
C- Good and resilient with new reforms policy and structural building.
D- Fair with policy formulation, institutional capacity strengthening and infrastructural building.
E- Average with stagnant policies, institutional growth misdirection and poor governance
F- Fail and below average with no institutional building, dictatorship and high human rights abuses.
NR- Not Rated
Mi- Ministries
Ag- Agencies
Me- Metropolitan assemblies’
Mu- Municipal assemblies’
Di- District assemblies’
Ac- Academia participation
Ci- Civil society activeness
Co- Corruption frequency reporting