
Agriculture is the backbone of every nation and a major vehicle for growth, development and prosperity. Africa in terms of agriculture productivity is saddled with lag in technological employment and hence reduction in productivity. Research is seen as a 21st century plan strategy to boost agricultural output for food security in Africa. The broad objectives of ADRRI in this category is:

  1. Research into new methods of food production in Africa through donor sponsorship.
  2. Liaise with donor agencies in the field of agriculture to conduct research leading to reduction in yield of crops.
  3. Provide agriculture extension education with coordination from agricultural extension officers in Africa.
  4. Provide a forum for the formulation of agricultural policies in Africa.
  5. Offer support with the supervision of donor and international organisations to deprived hinterlands of Africa
  6. Workshops on policy evaluations on agricultural research activities to shape and modernize the agriculture sector of Africa.